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The aim of the sustain activity within CLARIAH-VL is to prepare humanities data, tools, pipelines and services for sustainable valorisation.

This work will be undertaken in close collaboration with European initiatives such as a) the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace, the CLARIN Resource Families and CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory; b) other ESFRI Infrastructures active in Flanders, such as ELIXIR, DiSSCO, ESS and SHARE and c) other relevant initiatives in such as the Flemish Research Data Network (FRDN), the Belgian Infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities Open Science (BISHOPS) and Social Science and Digital Humanities Archive (SODHA).

The sustain activity consists of 3 tasks:

  • Usage and Impact: in this task we will create a ‘usage plan’ to measure the usage and impact of the CLARIAH-VL Open Humanities Service Infrastructure. CLARIAH-VL will develop a methodology building on both qualitative (e.g. Impact Case Studies) and quantitative usage and impact metrics measured at the European-level by CLARIN and DARIAH.
  • Service Maturity and Sustainability: in this task we will ensure that at least 5 CLARIAH-VL services are operational by January 2025.
  • Sustainability: in this task we will foster the long-term sustainability of the CLARIAH-VL Open Humanities Service Infrastructure. This will include outreach, advice and guidance regarding the preparation of externally-funded research or research infrastructures project proposals and coordination of the sustainable embedding of the CLARIAH-VL service infrastructure into partner institutions.


  • Review how the CLARIAH-VL humanities data, tools, pipelines and services contribute to European initiatives
  • Monitoring report on the readiness of CLARIAH-VL data, tools and pipelines
  • Report on CLARIAH-VL data, tools and pipelines contributed to European initiatives